Coffee Cup Reading

Introducing the Coffee Cup Reading API, a unique tool to bring the mystique of coffee cup divination to your website and applications. Access symbolic interpretations and insights derived from coffee grounds, adding a touch of intrigue and spirituality to your services.


Returns Coffee Cup Reading in response

Request Body




Your API Key (can be found on your Divineapi dashboard)

    "message":"Coffee Cup Reading
            "present_content":"The grandiosity of presence can pull it all
off effortlessly. A roar that is so melodic that monarchs are bowing down. Character purity may express positive at
every little stride and this is where nectars can come from every sphere of life. Stay on the earth and let your action
news attracts delight and shields you like a newborn in a cradle. Angel unreservedly admires you while absolving you of
all your misdeeds. \r\nAngel acts as a hidden protector, keeping you sensitive and closest to your
strong connection is shown by the heart. The heart is the key that unlocks the entrance to affection and compassion. It
symbolizes unconditional love and a gentler aspect of
curl --location '' \
--form 'api_key="Your divine api key"'

Last updated